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Англо-русский словарь - proceed


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Перевод с английского языка proceed на русский

 1) продолжать (говорить); please proceed - продолжайте, пожалуйста; Never mind the interruption, proceed with your story.
 2) отправляться; идти, направляться; This flight is now proceeding from New York to London. This flight is now proceeding to London at a speed of 800 kilometres an hour.
 3) возобновлять (дело, игру и т.п.) (with, in); The gardener rested for a moment on his spade, then proceeded with his work.
 4) приступать, переходить (to - к чему-л., тж. с инф.); приняться (за что-л.); to proceed to go to bed - отправиться спать; he proceeded to give me a good scolding - он принялся меня бранить; Can we please proceed to the next question on our list?
 5) происходить; развиваться; исходить (from); from what direction did the shots proceed? - откуда слышались выстрелы?; Our opinions often proceed from lack of information.
 6) действовать, поступать
 7) преследовать судебным порядком (against); Are you sure that you want to proceed against your neighbour over such a small matter?
 8) получать более высокую ученую степень Syn: see go
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См. в других словарях

  1. продолжать (путь), идти далее (особ. после перерыва) to proceed on a journey —- продолжать путешествие proceed further, the house is at the corner —- идите дальше, дом (стоит) на углу 2. идти, направляться; отправляться to proceed in easterly direction —- (про)следовать на восток to proceed at a high speed —- идти большим ходом (о корабле) to proceed head on to the sea —- мор. идти (держать) против волны passengers for Moscow should proceed to gate 6 —- пассажиров, вылетающих в Москву, просят подойти к выходу номер 6 the traffic proceeded slowly —- машины продвигались очень медленно the vessel proceeded to London —- судно отправилось в Лондон 3. продолжать (говорить и т. п.) they proceeded to ask further questions —- они продолжали задавать вопросы please (pray) proceed —- прошу продолжать, продолжайте пожалуйста but this, he proceeded, is an exeption —- но это, продолжал он, является исключением before we proceed any further —- прежде, чем продолжить 4. возобновлять, делать (что-л. после перерыва) as the light is better we can proceed with our work —- так как свет сейчас горит лучше, мы можем продолжить (возобновить) работу 5. продолжаться the story proceeds as follows... —- далее в рассказе говориться... the trial is proceeding —- слушание дела продолжается 6. (to) переходить, приступать (к чему-л.) to proceed to the next business —- приступить к следующему делу to proceed to action...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) приступать 2) действовать; поступать 3) продолжать – to proceed to – to proceed with an application PROCEED гл. 1) отправляться, исходить 2) приступать 3) продолжать 4) происходить • - proceed against - proceed to business Syn: result, come from, spring from, arise ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) выручка 2) действовать 3) доход 4) исходить 5) поступать 6) продолжать - proceed by induction - proceed to limit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  proceed with extreme caution ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  v.intr. 1 (often foll. by to) go forward or on further; make one's way. 2 (often foll. by with, or to + infin.) continue; go on with an activity (proceeded with their work; proceeded to tell the whole story). 3 (of an action) be carried on or continued (the case will now proceed). 4 adopt a course of action (how shall we proceed?). 5 go on to say. 6 (foll. by against) start a lawsuit (against a person). 7 (often foll. by from) come forth or originate (shouts proceeded from the bedroom). 8 (foll. by to) Brit. take the degree of (MA etc.). Etymology: ME f. OF proceder f. L procedere process- (as PRO-(1), cedere go) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   intransitive verb  Etymology: Middle English proceden, from Anglo-French proceder, from Latin procedere, from pro- forward + cedere to go — more at pro-  Date: 14th century  1. to come forth from a source ; issue strange sounds ~ed from the room  2.  a. to continue after a pause or interruption  b. to go on in an orderly regulated way  3.  a. to begin and carry on an action, process, or movement  b. to be in the process of being accomplished the work is ~ing well  4. to move along a course ; advance  Synonyms: see spring ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (proceeds proceeding, proceeded) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you proceed to do something, you do it, often after doing something else first. He proceeded to tell me of my birth... VERB: V to-inf 2. If you proceed with a course of action, you continue with it. (FORMAL) The group proceeded with a march they knew would lead to bloodshed... The trial has been delayed until November because the defence is not ready to proceed. VERB: V with n, V 3. If an activity, process, or event proceeds, it goes on and does not stop. The ideas were not new. Their development had proceeded steadily since the war... VERB: V 4. If you proceed in a particular direction, you go in that direction. (FORMAL) She climbed the steps and proceeded along the upstairs hallway... The freighter was allowed to proceed after satisfying them that it was not breaking sanctions. = continue VERB: V prep/adv, V 5. The proceeds of an event or activity are the money that has been obtained from it. N-PLURAL: the N, oft the N of/from n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to continue to do something that has already been started  (The work is proceeding according to plan.)  (Travis paused to consult his notes, then proceeded with his questions.)  (We can now proceed to the main business of the meeting.) 2 proceed to do sth an expression meaning to do something next, used especially about something annoying or surprising  (proceed to do sth)  (Patrick said he liked my work, and then proceeded to tell me everything was wrong with it!) 3 (always +adv/prep) formal to move in a particular direction + in/to etc  (Passengers for the Miami flight should proceed to gate 25.)  (- see also proceeds) proceed against sb phr v law to begin a legal case against someone proceed from sth phr v T not in passive formal to happen or exist as a result of something  (diseases that proceed from poverty) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1380, from L. procedere "go forward, advance," from pro- "forward" + cedere "to go." Proceeds is first attested 1665, on the notion of "that which proceeds from something." Proceedings "records of the doings of a society" is from 1830. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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